Increasing Your Home's Value
When you're preparing your house for sale, remember the importance of
first impressions. The market isn't the only factor that influences whether
you get your asking price. Appearance and overall condition play a major
role. Here are some easy things you can do to make your home more appealing
to buyers.
It is estimated that more than half of all houses are sold before the
buyers even get out of their cars. So stand across the street from your
house and review its curb appeal.
- Sweep front walkway.
- Remove newspapers, bikes, and toys.
- Park extra cars away from the property.
- Trim the shrubs.
- Apply fresh, clean paint throughout.
- Clean windows and window coverings throughout.
- Keep plumbing and all appliances in working order.
- Maintain all sealants (window, tub, shower, sink, etc.) in good condition.
- Make sure roof and gutters are in good condition; no repairs needed.
- Mow the lawn more frequently and plant flowers.
- Keep pet areas clean.
- Kitchen and bathroom should shine.
- Quick once-over with the vacuum; carpets should be clean.
- Place fresh flowers in the main rooms.
- Put dishes away, unless setting a formal display for decoration.
- Make beds and put all clothes away.
- Open drapes and turn on lights for a brighter feel.
- Straighten closets.
- Put toys away.
- Turn off television.
- Play soft music on the radio/stereo.
- Keep pets out of the way and pet areas clean and odor-free.
- Secure jewelry, cash, prescription medication, and other valuables.
- Enhance the spaciousness of each room. Pack away collectibles to allow
buyers to envision their own furnishings in the home.
Important Reminders
- Potential buyers usually feel more comfortable if the owners are not
- If people unaccompanied by an agent request to see your property, please
refer them to your real estate professional for an appointment.
- Leave a number where you can be reached if you are leaving town, even
for a weekend.