We've got it all...our strength is in our services The blueprint for success is based on a firm foundation. At the Prudential Rittenhouse Realty Group, we have built a reputation of integrity on creative teamwork, effectively combining our forces of knowledge, experience and flexibility for unequalled performance. Our diversified resources comprise the framework for the innovative services we consistently and reliably provide to our clients and customers - the keystones of our success! The company's reputation for honesty and dedication to our clients and customers is well established in the area. TERRY L. DERSTINE, ABR, GRI - President,
Broker of Record MISSION STATEMENT We at Prudential Rittenhouse Realty Group, serving with the highest of integrity, believe that each of our customers and employees are created uniquely and are of infinite worth, deserving of:
Understanding that God is at work all around us
and in our lives we desire to join Him in what he is doing. Therefore,
we seek to work as unto the Lord, being wise and able stewards of the
trust He has placed before us.