Post-operative Care

A soft bulky dressing was placed. Cephalosorin and an aminoglycoside were continued post-operatively. Indocin was given for heterotopic ossification prophylaxis. The patient was discharged on oral Keflex. The dressings were removed at one week and the wounds inspected. Active and active assisted ROM of the elbow and forearm was started at one week post operatively. At three months the fracture appeared healed. Lateral spot film demonstrated the capitellum had maintained it's position (Figure 7) Her range of motion at 6 months up was 25 to 110 degrees. She has pain with changes in the weather and activity requiring stretching or extension. Six month radiographs showed extensive callus, no heterotopic ossification, and a nonunion of the lateral epicondyle. (Figure 8 & Figure 9)

| Index | Case History | Treatment Options |
| Treatment Plan | Operative Treatment | Summary |

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