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The Power of Forgiveness ("Timmy")

Six year-old Timmy and his mother came to my office about a month before their annual gamily trip to Disney World. Timmy had a large gash on the left side of his head and he had been complaining of headaches even prior to his injury.

Timmy's mother explained that, for the last three years, Timmy had experienced headaches before each Disney World trip. Several weeks before they left for Florida, he would also have mishaps that traumatized the same area of his forehead. The accidents intensified once they arrived in Florida. Timmy's mother was extremely concerned for her son because he had already experienced a pre-vacation accident that resulted in a mild concussion.

Using Kinesiology*, we determined that Timmy had had a previous existence** where he lived in what is now Florida. In that lifetime, he had died from a spear wound to the head. Timmy died with judgements against God and his attackers locked inside his unconscious.

Any kind of repetitive or destructive pattern is usually the unconscious bringing forward the experience to help heal our judgments. As soon as we forgave the judgments, Timmy's headaches dissipated and for the past five years Timmy and his family have traveled to Disney World without incident.

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 *Kinesiology, or muscle testing, is a way of unlocking memories in the unconscious.

 ** A "past life," or memory in the unconscious can be from a movie, a dream, a book or the collective unconscious. The story isn't as important as the identifying judgments linked to the situation.

The Power of Forgiveness ("Gerald")

"Gerald" came to my office because his vision had rapidly deteriorated over the preceding year to the point where he could no longer drive to work. His eye doctors afforded him no hope of ever regaining normal sight.

Kinesiology* testing indicated that the cause of Gerald's problems was primarily emotional. Further testing associated the vision loss witha a car accident the previous year. Gerald had been unhurt but he had lost his wife and child. Gerald's unconscious carried a sense of guilt about the accident even though it had not been his fault - a drunk driver had jumped the median.

The guilt was lodged in Gerald's unconscious there is no time the way we know it. Where something happened one minute ago or ten years ago - all feels lke now. We traced the guilt back to the earliest time it had lodged in Gerald's unconscious. What came forward was what appeared to be a past existence** in which Gerald had done something reckless that endangered his family and caused their deaths. In that lifetime, he had cursed and judged himself and taken his own life.

After forgiving all the judgments against himself and the circumstances, Gerald left the office. Two weeks later Gerald returned to tell me he no longer needed to wear glasses. return to top

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