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The Power of Forgiveness ("David")

"David" came into my office in severe pain. His head and neck were bent to the left and no matter what he tried he couldn't straighten them.

The pain began while David was on a business trip to Seattle to meet some business associates for the first time. While leaving his hotel room, his neck went into a spasm. When David arrived and the men saw how much pain he was in, they immediately took him to a chiropractor. After several treatments there was still no relief.

In my office, I used kinesiology* to determine how to proceed with David's treatment. Surprisingly, no physical adjustment was indicated. Further muscle testing determined that one of the colleagues David had met triggered the neck pain, surfacing judgments of anger and fear. These judgments appeared to be from a past life** where one of the men had been his master/owner and he had been a slave. In this memory, the master was angry that his slave had run away so he manacled the slave around the neck and dragged him behind horses. The slave died cursing his master, his situation and God.

I talked David through the forgiveness of the judgments and as we did this, his head and neck slowly moved back into normal position. David turned his head from side to side and said,"It's all better."

None of David's symptom's has ever returned.

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 *Kinesiology, or muscle testing, is a way of unlocking memories in the unconscious.

 ** A "past life," or memory in the unconscious can be from a movie, a dream, a book or the collective unconscious. The story isn't as important as the identifying judgments linked to the situation.

The Power of Forgiveness ("Andrea")

By the time "Andrea" came to my office she had been suffering from intermittent anxiety attacks since the opening of her holistic practice seven years before. She had consulted with numerous colleagues and had received no relief. The anxiety attacks intensified when Andrea added her name to a dating service. in three years Andrea had not received one response from the service.

Using kinesiology*, we determined that Andrea was indentified with an unconscious pattern of not being noticed. Even the possibility of getting attention brought on anxiety. She had spent her whole life not being recognized at school or at home - not even receiving praise that was rightfully hers. Unconsciously Andrea put out the message, "Don't notice me,"and people always responded to her unconscious messages.

In several of Andrea's past existences,** being noticed had had devastating consequences - from being publicly shamed and humiliated to torture and death. After clearing all of the judgments Andrea held against herself, others, and God and after clearing the misidentification Andrea had with being unnoticed, the anxiety attacks disappeared.

Three days after our session, Andrea recieved seven phone calls from her dating service, one of which is showing great promise. return to top