Dizzying Speed

Our Solar System

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Dizzying Speed (.mp3)
Dizzying Speed Part 2 (.mpg)
Dizzying Speed Part 3 (.mpg)
Dizzying Speed Part 4 (.mpg)

* additional photos courtesy of NASA


Earth Spins at 1,000 MPH The Earth is spinning around,
Around and around,
Spinning on its axis,
It is,
Spinning around the sun,
It's never done,
View of Earth From Space As the sun makes its way,
Through the Milky Way,
Day by day.
Spinning round,
Its path is found to be sound,
You can depend on the day,
You can rely on the night,
You know that dark will give way,
To the power of light.

Live Music Spin. Spin. Spin,
Again and again,
Turning round, round, round,
It can't be bound,
Turning round and round.

Hurling through space... 67,000 mph
While spinning the place... 1,000 mph
This is the speed of our ARE,
Yes, we really have come that far.
And, is it any wonder,
We're a dizzy blunder?
Yes, indeed... a dizzying speed.


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© 2004 The Philadelphia Spirit Experiment Publishing Company & KingArthur.com
These graphics, images, text copy, sights or sounds may not be used without our expressed written consent.