Christmas Song Recorded on Guitar Hero

The Single: Christmas Ghost

By Mootmute of
This music video was recorded using the Guitar Hero World Tour Music Studio. You can also play it as a video game on Guitar Hero Live.

Christmas Ghost .mpg
This was a rather hard song to record. How do you get a song to sound Christmas-y on Guitar Hero. An attempt was made to give it an exotic sort-of flavor. Non-traditional rythm and non-western scales were incorporated. The title came about for several reasons. First, the keyboard uses the "horror bell" voice. That got me thinking... Holy Ghost... or Ghost of Christmas Future... hmmm. Why not combine them all into Christmas Ghost?

A lot of people give and get video game consoles for Christmas or other special occasions. My first Guitar Hero was given to me by my kids on Father's Day. I'd have to say it's a great gift. You can learn about music, write songs, improve your coordination, utilize social networking, play games and have fun. Thanks for the great present.

Find out more about this gaming music.

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