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Organic Fertilizer

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Bucks County Worm Farm

Bucks County Worm Farm
Distributed by
Bromm's Lullaby Farm
5125 Swamp Road, Rt. 313
Fountainville, PA 18923

"The Scoop On The Poop"

Earthworm Castings

All Natural Organic Fertilizer

* A Little DOO Will Do Ya! *
* Earthworm Castings Are Pure Worm Manure *

The Finest, All Natural, Organic Fertilizer Available!
Worm castings add an abundance of soil microorganisms and micronutrients to aid in the natural soil food
web underground, adding "Life to your Soil!"
Producing Healthier Soil, Stronger Root Systems and Better Plants is what "Vermi-Doo" is all about!
Worm castings have been the organic grower's secret in California for over 40 years!

Until recently they were all but unavailable here in the east.
Not anymore! Thanks to Bucks County Worm Farm. We raise our worms in
a rich mixture of organic peat and highly nutritious grains. That
enables us to produce top quality pure worm castings.

Castings are non-toxic, odorless, and totally safe to use on anything from
starting seeds to planting trees! They won't burn any plants. From Aristotle
to Darwin to Rodale all agree that worms and their castings have amazing soil
building qualities. Worm castings are 'Super Charged Humus" for your soil!

"Vermi-Doo" worm castings provide nature's own perfect balance
of micro-and macro-nutrients available both now and naturally timed released.
"Vermi-Doo" provides long lasting nutrition that won't leech out with watering or rain.
They also balance out pH levels, contain several trace elements, and natural plant growth
stimulators such as auxins and cytokinins. Castings help to improve soil structure and aeration
thanks to their tiny individually mucus coated cast's ('poop'). Because of their structure and size,
castings help keep oxygen in the ground longer and water drainage is improved. Thanks to their resistance
to packing they are able to keep soil loose.

All these elements combined enable "Vermi-Doo" worm castings to add "Life to your Soil!"
Try it and see the "Vermi-Doo" difference. Quality and satisiaction guaranteed.
