Our wellness center's commitment is to maintain the Mind and Body, the Heart and Soul.
To do this, we continually bring the most comprehensive and innovative services to our clients. As
a result, we are constantly growing and acquiring new training and technology to offer the latest
in holistic methods, integrative healthcare and alternative healthcare.
Many of the modalities we employ integrate the latest advances in technology
to engage human potential on both the physical, mental and spiritual levels. The result for many patients
- Improvement in energy
- Ability to better focus and perform
- Emotional stability and flexibility
- Pain relief
- A renewed sense of purpose in life
You should also find our specific conditions page useful.
These sections discuss particular treatments that have been successful with problem areas like autism, ADD,
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Depression, Immune System Disorders and Pain Reduction.
Please feel free to contact us if you would like more information about
our practice. We do respond to email fairly quickly and understand the importance of dialogue in the therapeutic