Patricia Zirin has been a seeker to re-awaken her own creativity for over 30
years. Possessing a Masters in Fine Arts she has gone so far as acquiring a
Masters in Spiritual Psychology to attempt to figure out what has blocked
her fully expressing her creativity. Finally, after 30 years of struggle,
she has at long last learned what has blocked her and healed herself. Her
journey has given her the tools to assist others. That remarkable journey
and the experiences she has to share from that journey act as a wellspring
she brings to share along with her love of people and compassion for their
own struggle to bring forward their connection to what Patricia believes to
be their birthright.
Patricia has worked in corporate America for many years doing Proactive
Marketing, Sales Training and Development, Market Analysis with a Focus on
Goals and Outcomes, Strategic Planning and Outcome Oriented Communication.
She has been involved in coaching, training and management, marketing,
advertising and web based materials, owning her own businesses. She has
also been an instructor at Penn State University and the University of
Delaware in Printmaking, Drawing and Design.
She currently is also a full time working artist.
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