E / A / C / D
So, much good stuff is happening That I don't know how to start at the beginning The more I grow The more I know The more I know The more I grow This attempt at living is thrilling When I see something disturbing Or, experience something troubling It only makes thrilling that much more stunning There doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day That's O.K. 'cause along the way I'll stuff in as much play as is possible I'm able So, why waste a moment of our festival? Come with me on my daily holiday Trying to be optimized at productivity Making every task seem easy In fact, one can thrive on the strive to stay alive Prolonging perishing It's my only procrastination Dying Expiration And, it's really no effort at all By trying to live life to the fullest Death avoidance is a natural by-product Excellence at balance Helps avoid a fall Doing one's best And, loving every minute