Acupuncture Natural Fertility Center of Pennsylvania
Meredith Murphy, L.Ac., MaAC, DiplAc
144 Ivy Lane, Office 1, King of Prussia, PA 19406
610-265-1827 · Contact Us · Driving Directions


"It is important to me to have an acupuncturists that is caring and sensitive to my health concerns. Meredith has made me feel very comfortable and at ease during my treatments. Her office and treatment rooms are welcoming and offered me much needed solitude and serenity. After experiencing many stressful drawbacks in my reproductive health, acupuncture has helped me relax, and I’ve learned to be patient with my healing and recovery back to health. I always leave feeling relaxed and hopeful. Meredith’s treatments have also helped alleviate a chronic mid-back pain that I’ve had for 2 years now. After seeking the help of 2 orthopedic doctors, and a chiropractor, I have only experienced lasting relief with Meredith’s acupuncture treatments."


Photo of Twins "I began acupuncture treatments several years ago at my mother-in-law's suggestion. She was being treated for chemical sensitivity/allergy issues, and found that she was improving greatly. I was trying to get pregnant and was not ovulating and also had irregular menstrual cycles. The fertility clinic suggested we try invitro fertilization (IVF) and while going through this process, I was getting acupuncture treatments. I got pregnant with my daughter Jennifer (now 3-1/2 years old). When we decided we wanted more children, we didn't have a choice but to try IVF again, so I told my husband that I wanted to start acupuncture treatments again this time around. We went for that first ultrasound and found out we were having twins! Carolyn and Lindsey are now 5-1/2 months old.

IVF is so stressful, and I believe that acupuncture kept my body in balance throughout the process - physically and emotionally."

From Acupuncture Today Magazine:
Idaho Couple Credits Acupuncturist for Son's Birth

For many couples, the inability to conceive a child can have a negative effect on their relationship. Lisa Stokes and her husband Travis were one such couple, having tried for more than a year to produce a child, all to no avail - that is, until Lisa turned to acupuncture for help.

"Nothing else had been working," explained Stokes. "My sister told me about acupuncture, and I thought, why not? It's a lot cheaper (than fertility drugs), and there are no bad side-effects."

Stokes, a native of Payson, Utah, contacted Dr. Ming-De Yu, an acupuncturist in Provo. After a detailed history, Dr. Yu began treatment by inserting extra-fine needles into Lisa's ears, arms, stomach, legs and back, which corrected an irregular menstrual cycle. A few sessions later, Lisa was pregnant and eventually gave birth to a healthy, dark-haired boy named Isaac. The Stokes believe acupuncture was the key factor in Lisa's ability to have a child, and they regularly travel from Idaho to Yu's clinic for care.

"I think it worked for me when Western medicine hadn't helped," Stokes said. "I wasn't sure at first that it would work, but I knew it felt good," she added, noting that the treatment felt so relaxing, she would occasionally fall asleep while being needled.

While acupuncture has been used to treat infertility and other conditions for thousands of years in China, it is still viewed with skepticism by some in the U.S. Dr. Yu's results with the Stokes, however, have convinced at least two people of its validity.

"This is our miracle," said Travis Stokes, holding up his son as he talked. "He's made us believers."

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