Menopause - Learn About Common Symptoms and Our Unique Approach at Our Denver Doctor Office


Could there be a more frustrating and confusing word in the health vocabulary of women today? Countless books, TV programs, and commerc ial products have been offered to women aged 30-50, trying to help them with thi s major life event.

Not only do women constantly battle the problems associat ed with their changing bodies, they have to deal with them earlier in their l ives.

Whereas their mothers and grandmothers tackled these menopausal pr oblems in their late 40s, more and more women have to confront them sometimes as much as ten years earlier.

Doctors theorize that possible environmen tal factors such as environmental toxins and even substances called “xenoestroge ns” have contributed to this earlier menopausal crisis in women, interfer ing with the body’s ability to normally produce and secrete hormones in the righ t amounts and at the right times.

Ask yourself: Do any of these symptoms of menopause sound familiar?

You’re in your late 30’s or early 40’s. You sta rt noticing you’ve gained weight in your midsection that might not have been the re before.

Everything that used to work to control your weight just simpl y doesn’t work anymore. Excerise, watching your diet, nothing.

Maybe you ’ve noticed some abnormal bleeding. The duration, timing or the frequency has changed. Your period seems distinctly different - maybe there’s more crampi ng or clotting or it's lighter than usual. You might even have skipped a peri od or two or more.

You and others around you notice your mood goe s on a roller coaster ride. One minute you’re depressed, feeling hopeless .The next, you're feeling anxious.

You worry constantly: worr y about growing old, worried whether you have some serious disease. If you have n't had children yet, you worry if you’ll ever be able to have them.

You have changes in your sex drive. You’re just not interested any more. You feel unattractive. Your vision seems to be changing, thi ngs are blurry that used to be clear.

Even your hair is changing, gett ing drier and coarser. And your skin is also dry and thin and more prone to bruises. Acne which you haven't had for 20 or 30 years starts to reapp ear. And hair starts growing in funny places.

Of course, all of these thi ngs didn’t pop up overnight. The process started gradually and over months or years has finally taken its toll. You looked in the mirror and felt enough is enough, it's time to fix all of this once and for all.

With prope r medical care, there are simple and safe solutions to the menopause!

R emember all of these changes are simply caused by changes in your hormone levels .The secret to successfully getting through menopause is knowing what's going on in your body and where you currently are in the whole process.

By u sing a combination of detailed history and comprehensive hormone testing , we can help you understand what your body is doing and what you can do to f ix the problems.

By taking a detailed history, we can pinpoint when yo ur problems started, or if there were any significant precipitating events, such as stress from change in relationship, a divorce, loss of loved one, death of parent, children going off on their own or a job change.

Warning: Mo st doctors don’t understand or have access to the precise hormonal testing neede d to treat your menopause.

Maybe your regular doctor has ordered stand ard hormonal testing before and maybe even explained the results to you. But if you’re still having problems there is a very good reason for this.

What most doctors don’t tell you, (and what most don’t even know) is that there are actually three different major types of estrogen that a women produces and secretes. And these three estrogens have to be in a proper ratio relative to each other and relative to progesterone and testosterone for you to feel normal.

The traditional blood tests - LH (Luteinizing hormone) and FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) that doctors most commonly order lack sensitivity and specificity to check specific amounts of each hormone and the important hormonal ratios.

By knowing where you’ve been and where you are, we can help you know where to go!

We offer you more specific and sensitive testing of major hormones such as all three estrogens, progesterone, testosterone, growth hormone, DHEA (the mother of all hormones and pregnenolone (the grandmother of all hormones).

Depending on your specific needs, we order and check many things that your doctor may have overlooked such as a full blood chemistry and blood counts, not the typical abbreviated, cut-rate version you're used to.

In addition, we can also check the balance between the different glands in the body, look at the immune system, dietary intake, absorption and digestion, and when appropriate, we test for toxic environmental exposures as well as test for food or chemical sensitivities.

Based on our history and test results, we can then formulate an individualized, specific, and manageable plan of action to replace and rebalance your hormones.

Most importantly, we use the safest and most effective bio-identical hormone replacement therapy available today!

So take back your life from the disheartening and frustrating symptoms of menopause, and really start living life again!

We are more than happy to answer any questions you might have about hormone and menopausal treatment. If you have any questions, please call us at:

(303) 488-0034

to ask any questions or set up an appointment. We look forward to helping you achieve your goals.

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